Please sign my guest book, tell me what you liked/disliked about it and i'll try to make it better, or just make comments.
garrett james louis groulx
comment: wow this site is the shit...i love my pic. that toy was frikken trippy :D
~*~name: Ben Mudry (ScapeGoat)
comment: love this site, love the pics. Sweet. Dude. Sweet. DUDE. SWEET!!! *my
2 personnalities fight* Haha, I am triumphent. No your not. Dude, what's this got to do with comments? I don't know,
just thought it would be fun; Ok then. Great site Jess, I learned something today
comment: WOO DRUGS WOO PARTY WOO WTF hi whats up thats nice
how do you like your eggs dead or really dead ewww dead things are really dead and thats pretty ewww HI JESS
~*~name: willy kiss my rear wonka (Alex)
Comment: its amazing best site ever gotta love it. i have 1 thing to say.
name: Jessica's Crack Whore (Kari)
comment: I got friday's prostituting money for ya sugar
name: Elaura Green
comment: mint website man...i love the colours! ...dont forget about next time u come to T.B.
we r going to have a crazy party night! woo hoo
name: Sexxi Jai
comment: Hey sexxi!Lookin hott:PTanks for everyfing!Love the new hair!Gotsta hang outMore!:D
name: fuck me
comment: hey babe it me (jessica diane kitching) i lvoe you times 5 or maybe even 10000000.. well i
liked ur site..inspecially the pics of me DAMMMMMNNN BITCH! <3 i have a crush on myself if you didnt know.. well i love you
BYEEEEEEEEE<3 jessica kitching+jessica kitching=LOVE and i love jessica moore
name: blue fuzzy elf- CHELSEA
comment: ausome site jess!! really shows your true colours:P, i really like the photo
album! you've got some hot friends!
luv ya doll!
name: Kyle Brendon Hill
comment: Considering i couldnt make a site if my life depended on it, it was great!
name: for fuck sakes
comment: everytime i look at this site i end up getting horny..tempisfuckit
name: Kura-chan (Amanda Bennett)
comment: Heya, love the site! There are some racy pics up there lmfao